Use video & analytics to build a Smarter Factory and Operation.

Today's factories have huge challenges, especially with Covid, to become a more efficient, safe, and secure operation. Use of new technologies is becoming critical, technologies that enable connectivity, cloud support, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Augmented Reality, and mobile networks.


Enabling CEM Systems & Security for Zhuwan Jinwan Airport

The fully integrated access control and pass production systems serves 40,000 cardholders with over 2,300 access points and 160,000 alarm points, designed to handle a peak rate of 15,000 passes per hour.


Enabling CEM Systems & Security for Zhuwan Jinwan Airport

The fully integrated access control and pass production systems serves 40,000 cardholders with over 2,300 access points and 160,000 alarm points, designed to handle a peak rate of 15,000 passes per hour.


Enabling CEM Systems & Security for Zhuwan Jinwan Airport

The fully integrated access control and pass production systems serves 40,000 cardholders with over 2,300 access points and 160,000 alarm points, designed to handle a peak rate of 15,000 passes per hour.

Experience leading security Solutions.

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